Cage Culture Fish Farming Under PMMSY Scheme

Cage Culture Fish Farming Under PMMSY Scheme

In this video I have shown a successful farmer who has done cage culture

Cage Culture Fish Farming Under PMMSY Scheme: The farmers have successfully harvested their fishes and are totally satisfied with FeedWale Fish Feed.

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Cage culture fish farming, also supported by the Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana (PMMSY) scheme, offers several benefits for fish farmers and the aquaculture industry in India.

Cage Culture Fish Farming

Fish Farming Under PMMSY Scheme

Here are some key advantages:

  1. Increased Fish Production: And cage culture allows for higher stocking densities, leading to increased fish production compared to traditional methods.
    This helps meet the growing demand for fish.
  2. Efficient Resource Utilization: Besides, it makes efficient use of water resources, utilizing open water bodies like reservoirs, rivers, and lakes, which are often underutilized.
  3. Improved Fish Health and Growth: Furthermore the controlled environment in cages can lead to better management of fish health and growth, reducing disease outbreaks and mortality rates.
  4. Enhanced Productivity: In addition, the ability to monitor and manage feeding, water quality, and health in a confined space can lead to enhanced productivity and better growth rates for fish.
  5. Income Generation: Moreover, increased production and better fish quality can lead to higher market prices and improved income for fish farmers.
    This contributes to the economic upliftment of rural and coastal communities.
  6. Employment Opportunities: Although, the development of cage culture creates direct and indirect employment opportunities in rural areas, from fish farming to associated supply chains and services.
  7. Government Support and Subsidies: Under the PMMSY scheme, fish farmers can access financial support, including subsidies for setting up cage culture systems, purchasing equipment, and accessing technical training.
  8. Sustainability: Cage culture can be an environmentally sustainable method of fish farming when managed properly, with lower environmental impact compared to some intensive aquaculture practices.
  9. Diversification: However, It allows farmers to diversify their farming activities, reducing the risk associated with relying solely on traditional farming methods.
  10. Market Access: And the PMMSY scheme promotes better market linkages and value chain development, facilitating access to domestic and international markets for fish farmers.

Overall, cage culture under the PMMSY scheme provides a viable and profitable option for enhancing fish production, ensuring food security, and promoting the socio-economic development of fish farming communities.


Cage Culture Fish Farming

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